The PhD Course enjoys the financial support of the Fondazione di Modena, which since 2008 has contributed to the Marco Biagi Foundation for PhD activities.

Since its inception, 105 scholarships have been awarded thanks to the economic support of public bodies, associations and companies that have financed one or more scholarships.

Private funding may be linked to agreements for periods of the practical application of skills acquired in research (internships), to accrue a certain number of training credits, based on a training programme agreed upon between the course and the host institution.

They are and have been partners of the PhD course:

•  Aspera231 Srl (Dottorato Industriale)
•  Comune di Modena
•  Coopservice Group (Dottorato Industriale)
•  Fondazione di Modena
•  Graf S.p.A.
•  Hera S.p.A. (Dottorato Industriale)
•  IREN Ambiente S.p.A. (Dottorato Industriale)
•  Regione Emilia-Romagna
•  Sella Personal Credit S.p.A. (Dottorato Industriale)
•  Tetra Pak