The proposed research themes address models, policies and tools for organisational sustainability:

•  Corporate social responsibility and human entrepreneurship – The topics contribute to SDGs 5, 8, 9, 10, 12;
•  Business models and management tools for circular economy supply chains – The research topics contribute to SDGs 9, 12, 13;
•  Quantitative methods for corporate sustainability (measuring the impact generated and the corporate happiness produced, integrating the LCA approach into corporate management) – Research topics contribute to SDGs 5, 8, 10, 12, 13;
•  Accountability and sustainable finance, non-financial disclosure Legislative Decree. 254/2016 – The research topics contribute to SDGs 12, 16, 17;
•  Social certification and other “conditionality” instruments (benefit corporations; innovative start-ups with a social vocation; social, gender equality and sustainability reporting) – Research topics contribute to SDGs 9, 12;

•  Promotion and implementation of labour protection standards for sustainability (due diligence, social clauses, supply chain agreements, representation and collective agreements at transnational level).
•  Application of the 17 SDG targets in companies, measures to manage the socio-environmental sustainability of production chains (e.g. agri-food, ceramics, biomedical sectors) – The research topics contribute to all SDGs;
•  Consumer and customer evaluation and perception of corporate CSR strategies and impact on brand equity – Research topics contribute to SDGs 9, 12;
•  Stakeholder engagement mechanisms in the development of participatory practices in the public and private sectors (e.g. co-production of public services, stakeholder empowerment) – The research topics contribute to SDGs 5, 8, 10, 12. 17;
•  Budgeting and management oversight in the public and private sectors (e.g. performance budgeting, participatory budgeting) – Research themes contribute to SDGs 9, 11, 12. 17
•  Development of a study on the reclassification of the national budget, highlighting the expenditure related to environmental sustainability, in line with the definition of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, including an internship at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The line of research includes the identification of a methodology to reclassify expenditure in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and a proposal for an initial application, even partial, to the State budget for the 2024-2026 forecast budget, which may be subject to review for subsequent years.


Prof.ssa Ulpiana Kocollari

Disciplinary areas

Business Sciences, Economic Statistics, Labour and Industrial Economics and Public Policy Evaluation, Accounting-Banking-Finance, Organisation and Human Resource Management, , Public Law, Labour Law and Industrial Relations.