The digital transformation of companies and work and the spread of the 4.0 paradigm are bringing about a radical change not only in technology, but also in the structure and dynamics of work, company organisation and business models. This leads to a change in the skills required by production, commercial and service processes, raising questions about the evolution of professions and the impact on employment itself.

At the same time, the identity, goals and protection needs of workers are changing and can no longer be represented by the binary logic of subordination-autonomy.

From this perspective, issues such as are of particular interest:

• The impact of digitalisation on the main economic activities, from manufacturing to financial services and public administration;
• Corporate compliance: model 231, implementation of internal processes and policies.
• Organisational assessment tools, with particular attention to human resources and therefore to the skills profiles in preparation for the transformation of companies and public bodies in a 4.0 perspective;
• Innovation in business models: specifically, the physical and digital (phygital) organisation of business models; with particular reference to the socio-economic impact of the use of new assisted driving technologies in the automotive sector, sustainable mobility and the growth strategies of innovative start-ups;
• the impact of digital platforms in the value chain, with important implications for the reorganisation of large sectors of economic activity;
• occupational transitions and social security profiles of new forms of work;
• professionalism and quality of work: employment policies, training and employment services;
• new issues and forms of representation of individual and collective interests in the world of work;
• transnational mobility of enterprises and jobs.


Prof. Tommaso Fabbri, prof. Gianluca Marchi, prof. Giovanni Solinas, prof. Edoardo Ales

Disciplinary areas

Organisation and Human Resource Management, Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Labour and Industrial Economics, Evaluation of Public Policies, Business Sciences and Management, Public Law