This research area is concerned with the consequences of the dematerialisation and automation of production equipment and processes on working relationships. Methods of organising individual and team work performance are increasingly freed from the usual space-time coordinates and consolidated hierarchical chains. These changes intersect the managerial and contractual spheres and raise unprecedented problems of compliance and self-regulation (unilateral or consensual, individual and/or collective) in the areas of job design, performance evaluation and protection of working conditions.

Among the research topics specifically related to this area the following should be mentioned:

• Performance management.

• Data-driven (HR) management.

•  People analytics.

• Time and working time, organisational autonomy, work by objectives, right to disconnect.

•  Impact of autonomy and discretion on the content and exercise of employer powers.

•  Remote, agile, and hybrid working.

•  Qualification of the employment relationship and protection models in the “grey area” between subordination and autonomy.

•  Collective bargaining and worker participation as tools for organisational design, regulation and labour protection.


Prof. Tommaso Fabbri, prof. Alberto Tampieri

Disciplinary areas

Human Resource Organisation and Management, Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Labour Economics, Business Sciences and Management.