Settore disciplinare: Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari (SECS-P/11)
Borsa di studio:  
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Progetto di ricerca
Exploring the dynamics of ESG factors: Influence on the performance, risks and controversies of companies in the financial and non-financial sectors

The challenges linked to climate change threaten the stability of our economies. In the coming decades, we must address the need for a circular, competitive, climate-neutral, and socially equitable economy. The inclusion of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors marks a turning point in the understanding and measurement of corporate activities: in addition to financial performance, it is imperative to consider both environmental impact (CO2 emissions) and social impact (respect for workers’ rights and community engagement). The objective of this research is to investigate the connections between ESG investments, financial performance, financial risks, and ESG controversies. It also aims to evaluate the extent to which alignment with sustainability regulations (such as the CSRD directive – 2022/2464/EU) has been achieved by both financial and non-financial enterprises.
