Settore disciplinare: SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02
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Progetto di ricerca
Innovation, social cohesion, and inequalities in Europe: a poset-based approach.

Innovation is a key subject in development economics, and it has gained greater attention in the economic policies debate, especially at EU level. Regional disparities within countries are often illustrated in scientific research. Therefore, describing and measuring innovation at regional level could be more effective than a study at national level.
However, in the literature, several different methodologies have been identified and proposed to measure the regional innovation level, without identifying a common approach or shared conclusions. Moreover, innovation performance is positively affected by digitalisation skills, as revealed by the European Commission’s Digital Economic and Society Index (DESI): a modest increase in digitalisation can have a big positive impact.
The main aims of my PhD Thesis are three:
1. to critically analyse the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, which measures the innovation level in European regions since 2009, with the attempt to propose another methodology for the calculation and the representation of the level of innovation of different regions. In particular, the focus will be oriented on the application of partial order approach to provide a ranking between different clusters of European regions;
2. to examine in detail the innovation performance of the 60 southern European regions (Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain) to identify similarities and differences about their innovation performance. Regions need to tailor their own place-based policies since one-size-fits-all policies are not the solution, especially for lagging regions;
3. to focus on digitalisation as a key driver of innovation. The objective is to find results based on a gender perspective, analysing data of the Women in Digital Index 2020.


• Fondi Strutturali Europei. Glossario delle disuguaglianze sociali-

• Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale (FESR). Glossario delle disuguaglianze sociali –

• Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE). Glossario delle disuguaglianze sociali –

• Green Deal Europeo. Glossario delle disuguaglianze sociali –

• Damiani, F., Muzzioli, S., & De Baets, B. (2021). A poset-based analysis of regional innovation at European
level. DEMB Working Paper Series, 188. doi:10.25431/11380_1237049 –