8 Aprile 2022, ore 11.00 • Fondazione Marco Biagi

ALBERTO TAMPIERI, Department of Law, Unimore

Keynote Speaker
DIMITRA PALLANTZA, Université d’Artois
CHRISTINA OLIVEIRA, Politécnico de Coimbra

IACOPO SENATORI, Marco Biagi Department of Economics and Marco Biagi Foundation, Unimore

The seminar is open to E4E PhD students, scholars and postdoctoral fellows and will take place on Microsoft Teams platform.


Technological innovation has a growing impact on the employment relationships, in terms – for example – of data protection, use of social networks and freedom of expression, automated monitoring and decision-making systems, identification of digital platforms as employers and more. This seminar aims to present a comparative analysis on some of these issues, with a special focus on the French and Portuguese Labour Law systems.

Data, Technology and Labour Law: Problems and Responses in France and Portugal