29 March 2023, ore 15.00 – 17.00 • Fondazione Marco Biagi


ELISA MARTINELLI, Dipartimento di Economia – Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia


School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


The seminar provides an integrative framework that ties together foundational premises, concepts, constructs, research propositions and hypothesis. This framework helps to position conceptual as well as empirical marketing papers in relation to existing literature and to develop their contributions. Based on this framework, four easy-to-follow actionable steps – grounding, crafting, connecting, and simplifying – are laid out that can guide scholars in developing effective research propositions. Further, four criteria are proposed, i.e., clarity, consistency, conciseness, and contribution to theory advancement and scholarly research, to assist scholars in evaluating outcomes achieved when writing research propositions. The framework and its elements are illustrated by examples from scholarly articles in highly ranked international journals in marketing.

Participant  are encouraged to bring their own current research projects or ideas to the

seminar in order to discuss those based on the understanding laid out in the presented framework.

The presentation builds on a paper by Wolfgang Ulaga, Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Vishal Kashyap & Andreas Eggert that has been published in AMS Review and that has won the “AMS Review Best Paper in 2021 Award”.

L’evento si terrà in presenza.
Per informazioni: phd_lavorosviluppoinnovazione@unimore.it

Seminar: “The Building Blocks of Marketing Theory and their Application for Crafting Scholarly Articles”