27 November – 11 December 2023 • Marco Biagi Foundation

Cycle of seminars organised as part of the PhD Course in Labour, Development and Innovation, Unimore – Marco Biagi Foundation

Visiting professor: Prof. Angela O’Hagan
Professor of Equality and Public Policy
Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK
WISE Centre for Economic Justice

November 27, 2023 | 14.00 – 17.00 | Room 32, Marco Biagi Foundation
SEMINAR 1  – Comparative gender budgeting
With a focus on approaches to conceptualising, adapting and adoption of gender budgeting in multiple settings, the increasing incorporation of human rights and wellbeing framing in gender budgeting.

November 30, 2023 | 10.00 – 13.00 | Room 32, Marco Biagi Foundation
SEMINAR 2 Understanding institutional resistances to gender budgeting
Exploring questions around progressing gender budgeting as a transformative approach to policy making, development and retention of gender knowledge, building gender competence in policy making.

December 5, 2023 | 10.45 – 13.30 | Room 32, Marco Biagi Foundation
SEMINAR 3Women’s participation in economic policy making
Potential for participatory gender budgeting. This seminar will be a combination of interactive group work on approaches to participation and prioritisation of gendered analysis of economic policy. The seminar will discuss recent research by Prof O’Hagan and community-based women’s organisations in Scotland as presented at International Association for Feminist Economics in June 2023, and explore recent research on participatory gender budgeting in different country contexts.

December 11, 2023 | 14.00 – 17.00 | Room 32, Marco Biagi Foundation
SEMINAR 4 Advancing gender equality in research organisations
Exploring organisational approaches to advancing gender equality, integrating gender equality into institutional policies, and focus on Athena Swan and the experience of Glasgow Caledonian University, and draw on research and practice tools developed through the LeTGEPS project.

The cycle of seminars will be taught in English

Coordinator of the cycle of seminars
Tindara Addabbo, Full Professor of Economic Policy,
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,
“Marco Biagi” Department of Economics

Dowload full programme

Cycle of seminars:  Gender Budgeting: A tool for feminist policy change?  Perspectives on practice