26 may 2022, ore 10.30 • Marco Biagi Foundation
RUDIGER KRAUSE, Institute for Labour Law, Faculty of Law, Georg-August-University of Göttingen
IACOPO SENATORI, Economics Department Marco Biagi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
The lecture deals with the digital transformation of the world of work, which comes with many benefits, but also with many challenges and risks for both employees and companies. Since the benefits do not come automatically, “smart” regulation is needed at various levels to optimise the benefits for all stakeholders. Against this background and after a brief overview of the German system of industrial relations, the lecture will highlight the approaches taken by the legislator and the social partners at sectoral and company level in Germany to meet the challenges of the digital transformation of the world of work by focusing on three characteristic features of the current development, namely “Industry 4.0”, remote work and platform work.