23 Aprile 2024, alle 12.00 – 14.00 • Fondazione Marco Biagi

Professoressa associata di Organizzazione Aziendale
Dipartimento di Economia Marco Biagi, Unimore

Department of Business Studies
Uppsala University


The purpose of the seminar is to discuss a work-in-progress paper about trust within engineered networks, considering also the comments and critiques received by reviewers during two rounds of reviews. The detailed topic of the paper are as follows: 
Actors in engineered temporary networks face uncertainty and risk when they engage in extensive and complex interactions. These actors often cannot choose freely with whom to interact in the network, and the interaction history between actors is often short or nonexistent. The temporality of these networks also put pressures on the interacting actors, reducing the time available to develop trust between the actors. Despite these challenges, coordinated interaction takes place rapidly in temporary engineered networks, showing signs of trusting behavior. In this paper, we examine how formal control and trust are related as a way to support interactions. Using an in-depth case study, we investigate how formal control mechanisms such as predefined roles and contracts relate to trusting behavior despite limited interaction history and uncertainty. We propose a model about how trust develops in an engineered temporary network, containing especially trust in the network as a key element, which can in turn support the emergence also of dyadic trust.

Il seminario si terrà in lingua italiana e la partecipazione è libera.
Ulteriori informazioni: +390592056092 | phd_lavorosviluppoinnovazione@unimore.it

Seminario – Trust in Engineered Temporary Networks: Trusting the Network or a Counterpart?